BAL : Popping Boba & Popping Life



Mango Mai-Tai

1 Rum BobaAmount
2 Mango BobaAmount
4 MoninOrgeat Syrup10ml
5 Pineapple Juice60ml
6 Lime Juice10ml
7Captain MorganSpicy Rum10ml
8 Half Dried PineappleGarnish
9 Half Dried Red DragonfruitGarnish
10 Mint SprigGarnish


1. Add 2 kind of pop boba into the glass.
2. Add the Cointreau, Orgeat, P.J.&L.J. into a shaker , fill with ice and shake until chilled.
3. Put into a Glass with Crush Ice.
4. Float the Captain Morgan over the top.
5. Garnish With Dried Pineapple,
Dried Red Dragonfruit & Mint.
6. Drink is ready to serve.

Crystal Martini

1 Strawberry BobaAmount
2 Vodka BobaAmount
3 Aperol BobaAmount
4 SminoffVodka45ml
5 Gordon'sGin15ml
6Kina LilletLillet Blanc10ml


1. Add 3 kind of pop boba into the glass.
2. Add the gin, vodka and Lillet blanc into a shaker fill with ice and shake until chilled.
3. Strain into the glass.
4. Drink is ready to serve.

Treasure Mojito

1 Rum BobaAmount
2 Lime BobaAmount
3 10 Mint leaves
4 BacardiWhite Rum20ml
5 Lime Juice20ml
6 Simple Syrup10ml
7 Club SodaTop
8 Mint sprigGarnish
9 1 Dried LimeGarnish


1. Add 2 kind of pop boba into the glass.
2. Lightly muddle the mint into a Glass.
3. Add the Rum, L.J., Syrup & Crushice into a glass and gently swizzle it all together.
4. Top with the club soda.
5. Garnish with mint sprig and Dried Lime.
6. Drink is ready to serve

Aperol Spritz Caviar

1 Aperol BobaAmount
2 Strawberry BobaAmount
3 Prosecco60ml
4 AperolAperol20ml
5 Club Soda20ml


1. Add 2 kind of pop boba into the glass.
2. Add the prosecco, Aperol and club soda to a glass filled with ice and stir.
3. Drink is ready to serve

Peach Julep

1 Whiskey BobaAmount
2 Peach BobaAmount
3 Johnnie WalkerBlack Whiskey30ml
4 Ginger AleTop
5 1 Dried OrangeGarnish
6 Mint sprigGarnish


1. Add 2 kind of pop boba into the glass.
2. Add the Whiskey to a glass filled with ice and stir.
3. Top with the Ginger Ale.
4. Garnish with mint sprig and Dried Orange.
5. Drink is ready to serve

Tequila Sunrise

1 Tequila BobaAmount
2 Pomegranate BobaAmount
3 Orange Boba Amount
4 Jose CuervoEspecial Gold Tequila30ml
5 100% Orange JuiceTop
6 Half Dried OrangeGarnish


1. Add 2 kind of pop boba into the glass.
2. Add the Tequila and Orange Juice to a glass filled with ice and stir.
3. Top with the Orange Juice.
4. Garnish with Dried Orange.
5. Drink is ready to serve

Mango Mai-Tai

1 蘭姆酒爆珠適量
2 芒果爆珠適量
4 Monin杏仁糖漿15ml
5 鳳梨汁90ml
6 新鮮檸檬汁10ml
7Captain Morgan香料蘭姆酒20ml
8 鳳梨花果乾一片裝飾
9 紅龍果果乾一片裝飾
10 鳳梨葉 2 根裝飾
11 食用花 一朵裝飾


1. 將材料 3~6 加入雪克杯中攪勻後,加滿冰塊搖勻至冰鎮
2. 杯中加入碎冰至七分滿
3. 倒入酒液
4. 補滿碎冰
5. 表面淋上香料蘭姆酒漂浮
6. 放上爆珠及裝飾即完成

Crystal Martini

1 草莓爆珠適量
2 伏特加爆珠 適量
3 Aperol 爆珠 適量
4 Sminoff伏特加60ml
5 Gordon's 琴酒30ml
6 Kina Lillet莉葉酒15ml
7 食用香草 一株裝飾
8 萊姆皮絲一株裝飾


1. 將 Aperol 爆珠、伏特加爆珠、草莓爆珠依序加入杯底,杯中加入半杯碎冰
2. 材料 4~6 加入攪拌杯中加冰攪勻
3. 冰鎮後濾冰倒入杯中
4. 放上裝飾即完成

Treasure Mojito

1 蘭姆酒爆珠 適量
2 萊姆爆珠適量
3 新鮮薄荷葉10片
4 Bacardi白蘭姆酒30ml
5 新鮮檸檬汁30ml
6 白糖水15ml
7 氣泡水八分滿(90ml)
8 新鮮薄荷葉一株裝飾
9 檸檬果乾一片裝飾


1. 取薄荷葉手拍出香氣後,抹杯口並放入杯底
2. 杯中加入碎冰至七分滿
3. 倒入材料 4~6,攪打均勻
4. 倒入氣泡水
5. 補滿碎冰
6. 放上爆珠及裝飾即完成

Aperol Spritz Caviar

1 Aperol 爆珠適量
2 草莓爆珠適量
3 義大利 Prosecco 氣泡酒 90ml
4 Aperol艾普羅利口酒30ml
5 氣泡水30ml


1. 冰鎮過的氣泡酒及氣泡水加入杯中
2. 加入艾普羅利口酒
3. 放入爆珠即完成

Peach Julep

1 威士忌爆珠適量
2 黃桃爆珠適量
3 Johnnie Walker黑牌威士忌 30ml
4 Schweppes薑汁汽水八分滿 (90ml)
5 柳橙果乾一片裝飾
6 無花果乾一片裝飾
7 新鮮薄荷葉 一株裝飾
8 食用金粉灑於爆珠上


1. 杯中加入碎冰至七分滿
2. 倒入汽水
3. 補滿碎冰
4. 加入威士忌
5. 放上爆珠及裝飾即完成

Tequila Sunrise

1 龍舌蘭爆珠適量
2 石榴爆珠適量
3 柳橙爆珠適量
4 Jose Cuervo金色龍舌蘭30ml
5 100%柳橙汁 加滿
6 柳橙果乾1/3 片裝飾
7 百里香一根裝飾
8 冰碗一只裝飾


1. 將石榴爆珠放入杯底
2. 杯中加入碎冰至七分滿
3. 加入龍舌蘭及龍舌蘭爆珠
4. 加滿柳橙汁,補滿碎冰
5. 以碎冰壓出冰碗,置於杯口
6. 碗中放入柳橙爆珠
7. 放上裝飾即完成
